Zhineng Qigong Coach  
Do Qigong with Dolores
Zhineng Qigong Coach
Zhineng Qigong Coach
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Zhineng Qigong Coach
Zhineng Qigong Coach
Methods of Zhineng Qigong

The system of Zhineng Qigong comprises 6 progressive levels.
The first 3 levels are released for public teaching.

1st Method: Peng Qi Guan Ding Fa – Lift Qi up and Pour Qi down

2nd Method: Xing Shen Zhuang – Body + Mind Method
     Photos Level 2 Dolores Utermark

3rd Method: Wu Yuan Zhuan – 5 Organs

This is progression in multiple sense. On the one hand the practising of the methods goes from simple to more complex up to many-layered.
The work starts at the outside of the body and then goes deeper and deeper into the body.

When you advance in your qi development the higher level can also be seen in the first method. The practice changes, gets more personal or relates more to the practising person, the movement becomes fluent and agile and the dynamic shows.


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智能气功 Zhineng Qigong - Peng Qi Guan Ding Fa - Dolores


Here is another example of the same method done by an elder Chinese lady. She shows a high level and a very personal practice. Her agility and her dynamic are very impressive.
I found this video via Baidu and loaded it down as a download directly from China takes a very long time.


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智能气功 Zhineng Qigong - Peng Qi Guan Ding Fa
Copyright: chinazhao2007@56.com_56flv_12249353061.flv

One starts of course with the first method in the version that every beginner learns. The changes occur later with advancing development and slowly step by step. Here is another example of a group practising the first method.


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智能气功 Zhineng Qigong - Peng Qi Guan Ding Fa (partial)


Of course the system of Zhineng Qigong contains also methods of stillness that complement the dynamic methods.

The knowledge in theory on the fundamentals, how the methods work and how you should practise are equally important. It is about the „know how“ as always. It is simply not sufficient just to copy the movements. This is why you cannot really learn it merely from a video or a DVD. The knowledge has to be passed from human being to human being.




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