Zhineng Qigong Coach Zhineng Qigong Coach  

Qigong Coach


Zhineng Qigong Coach
Zhineng Qigong Coach
Zhineng Qigong Coach
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Zhineng Qigong Coach
Zhineng Qigong Coach
Zhineng Qigong Coach
Zhineng Qigong Coach Zhineng Qigong Coach

There are as many paths
as there are people.
How someone learns, matures and grows
on his path of life
is unique and different.
Nevertheless all paths
have some things in common
and similar things happening.
We learn from our own mistakes
and from the mistakes others make.
We learn from each other,
with one another.
We learn from own experience
and from the experience of others.
We get help and help others.
Exchange, communication, encounters,
support – all that is important.

What's it all about nowadays ?

The path for me ....
.... for everyone

Some aspects are:

health – nutrition
stress management
body balance
relaxation – inner calm
energy work – qi development



Zhineng Qigong Coach  
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