Zhineng Qigong Coach  
Do Qigong with Dolores
Zhineng Qigong Coach
Zhineng Qigong Coach
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Zhineng Qigong Coach
Zhineng Qigong Coach

Zhineng Qigong has its own theory. Theoretical knowledge is just as important as practising the methods. Ideally theory and practice go hand in hand and stimulate each other.

During a course the emphasis is often on practising the methods and theory only plays a small part. However, for Zhineng Qigong the theory is equally important and advancing in practice is only possible, if theoretical knowledge is acquired and extended.

I am offering separate courses in theory as lectures. There I talk about the basic knowledge of the system of Zhineng Qigong and the practical methods enriched by my experiences gathered on my own path.
This knowledge can then be extended in advanced courses.

Basic Course in Theory Zhineng Qigong
Introduction into the theory of Zhineng Qigong and overview of the system
3 hours - no previous knowledge required

Basic Course in Theory Zhineng Qigong Level 1
Basic knowledge of the practical methods of level 1 and how to practise
3 hours - no previous knowledge required

Advanced Course in Theory Zhineng Qigong Level 1
Extension of the theory and the knowledge of the practical methods of level 1
3 hours - Basic Course in Theory Zhineng Qigong Level 1 and practical experience required

Basic Course in Theory Zhineng Qigong Level 2
Basic knowledge of the practical methods of level 2 and how to practise
3 hours - no previous knowledge required

Advanced Course in Theory Zhineng Qigong Level 2
Extension of the theory and the knowledge of the practical methods of level 2
3 hours - Basic Course in Theory Zhineng Qigong Level 2 and practical experience required

Tuition Fees

For further information or dates please enquire by email to:







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