- born in 1952
- practises Tai Ji Quan (Yang style) since 2000
- practises Zhineng Qigong since 2001
- since 2005 disciple of Master Tian Liyang (martial arts of the Wudang mountains) - change to Wudang Tai Ji Quan
- 2006 to 2007 instructor's training Zhineng Qigong with Zhigong Institut
Deutschland and Master Luke Chan
- September 2006 teacher certificate Zhineng Qigong Level 1
- 2006 and 2007 several months of stay in Zhongshan (China)
for intensive training with Master Luke Chan
- December 2007 teacher certificate Zhineng Qigong Level 2
- Lectures, private tuition, coaching and counselling since 2008
- since December 2008 I have a new teacher who supports me on my path: Grandmaster Hu Xilong
- May 2011 Instructor of the Instructors Licence, instructor aptitude-test according to AEVO 2009 with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Bielefeld